As the name says, it´s like the jewel that the masters of Pipeline they used in the 70's. An ideal board for surfing tubular or hollow waves, where the early entry to the wave is a big part of the game, the forward wide point in conjunction with the rocker, allows us to have an extraordinary paddle. The characteristic shape of these boards gives them a very good grip on the tubular and hollow sections and the single fin gives them the touch to enjoy classic surfing in conditions of powerful waves. A classic board you will enjoy a lot. You can order this board with Standard Dimensions or it´s also available with Custom Dimensions, 100% made especially for you.
7´0´´ 18 7/8´´ 2 3/4´´ 39.01 L |
7´2´´ 19´´ 2 7/8´´ 42.03 L |
7´4´´ 19 1/8´´ 3´´ 45.02 L |
7´6´´ 19 3/8´´ 3 1/8´´ 48.59 L |
7´8´´ 19 5/8´´ 3 1/4´´ 52.13 L |
7´10´´ 19 7/8´´ 3 1/4´´ 53.98 L |
8´0´´ 20 1/8´´ 3 3/8´´ 57.98 L |
8´2´´ 20 3/8´´ 3 1/2´´ 61.98 L |
8´4´´ 20 5/8´´ 3 1/2´´ 64.02 L |
Central box only (recommended surf it with a single fin Gerry Lopez template 7.75´´ or 8.5´´)
Flat deck + Full sharp soft
Pro Surfer
5 ft. to 12 ft.
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